Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials

Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is proven to give businesses and their vehicles what they need to drive themselves forward efficiently. Discover how our customers, like the Woodlands Transport Service, have benefitted from our specially tailored solutions—and how you could as well.

Contact Information

1 Harbourfront Place, #06-00

HarbourFront Tower One

Singapore 098633

Tel: 1800 266 2828

  1. This Proof of Performance is based on the experience of a single customer who used Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel over a trial period of 6 months. Actual results can vary depending on factors such as type of operation, vehicle, engine, driving conditions, driving behaviour and diesel fuel previously used.
  2. The comparison during this trial period was against our commercial additised diesel (ADO) with different dosage of additive(s). Data collected was based on telematics reporting on fuel consumption and mileage travelled. DEF (AdBlue) consumption was derived from drivers’ manual record keeping. Trial was performed in Singapore by Woodlands Transport Services Pte Ltd’s on 4 buses.
  3. Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel claims are based on internal and third-party vehicle engine testing, laboratory testing, and/or industry or other scientific literature. Basis for comparison for all claims is versus Esso™ unadditised Diesel. Vehicle type, engine type, driving behaviour and other factors also impact benefits.”