Diesel, Part of Your Winning Business Formula

Diesel, part of your winning business formula

Contact information

1 Harbourfront Place, #06-00

HarbourFront Tower One

Singapore 098633

Tel: 1800 266 2828

Diesel is just diesel – that’s the standard mindset many businesses in the trucking industry have when it comes to the topic despite the many conversations surrounding the rapid development and innovation taking place within the commercial trucking industry.

Fuel isn’t an exciting commodity and often companies and fleet managers don’t include diesel as part of their evaluation criteria when looking at ways to drive their business forward. Yet, there are other considerations both in terms of cost and operational efficiencies that go beyond the fuel itself which could impact your business’ bottom line.

ExxonMobil’s 2019 Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040 highlights that commercial transportation energy demand in Asia Pacific is set to increase thanks to economic growth which will stimulate demand for trucking services. With fuel being one of the largest aspects of an average fleet’s operating budget, fleet managers should look for ways to receive the best possible return on their fuel investments while looking for ways to mitigate the uncertainties of fuel prices. To do this, fleet managers should go back to the basics of choosing the right supplier and the right diesel formulation that can bring about positive impact to their business.

Improve engine performance

Selecting the right supplier

A reliable diesel fuel supplier with a reputation for quality throughout the diesel fuel supply chain – from inception to handling and delivery – can help you navigate some of the complexity facing fleet managers today.

Experienced suppliers understand the important role fuel plays in a fleet’s business, and enact safeguards such as strict qualifications for carriers, regulatory awareness, product quality integrity and high safety focus to avoid mistakes that could present costly issues for a fleet.

Reducing maintenance costs

Improved fuel economy is one way to keep vehicles on the road for longer but the heart of any engine is its fuel system and keeping that system running smoothly is key to increasing overall fleet efficiency.

Like any piece of machinery, fuel systems will eventually degrade with time. However using a high performing diesel, combined with working with a quality supplier and receiving the proper maintenance services can increase an engine’s durability and reduce the stress on the engine’s components while combatting other maintenance areas such as:

  • Preventing premature fuel filter failure

    Preventing premature fuel filter failure by helping to stabilize the fuel and by carrying insoluble impurities through the filter

  • Reducing fuel system repairs

    Reducing fuel system repairs due to corrosion in tanks, lines, pumps and injectors

  • Removing internal injector deposit build-up

    Removing internal injector deposit build-up, which should help to reduce fuel injector failures

The combination of using the right product and working with the right partners can keep trucks and buses out of the workshop for longer periods and help your drivers feel more confident in their vehicle’s performance.
Strong business incentives

Improving the bottom line

Fleet managers and businesses that recognize the benefits of leveraging the right diesel fuel formulation and supplier can expect to find strong business incentives that offer improved fuel economy and fleet efficiency, as well as more satisfied drivers who pilot more responsive and higher performing trucks and buses. In the long term, these benefits will result in improved bottom lines and margins.

To learn more about which diesel product can provide the best benefits for your business, Esso recommends consulting with your fuel supplier and other industry leaders about the ways in which diesel can work harder for you to stay ahead in a rapidly changing industry.